Step up - Der Female Leadership Talk

Step up - Der Female Leadership Talk

#15 Luciana Silvares - Leadership and motherhood: Why is it worth fighting for your career?

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Industrial designer Luciana Silvares is the responsible lead designer for the brand style of Mazda Motor Europe. The company is the regional headquarters of the automotive manufacturer Mazda for the European market. Born in Boston and grown up in São Paulo, Luciana has now been living for more than 20 years in Germany while working for Mazda Europe. Her passion about her job, design and the automotive industry truly shows in our conversation. In this podcast she takes us on a journey through her work. You will get to know what the latest trends in the automotive industry are and why Luciana believes we need more feminine leaders. In doing so she shares her observations on the specials strengths that she sees within them. Additionally, I am very curious on her thoughts of motherhood and being a leader. We talk about balancing work and family and how to organize family-life together with the partner. She explains how breaking out of traditional roles is not an easy thing to do and why taking on responsibility as a father goes beyond "help”. She summarizes that it's not always easy being a mother and having a career at the same time, BUT for her it's totally worth it! Listen to Luciana’s story and be inspired by her encouraging message on being a female leader: "Don't give up! At the end of the day you will have a fruitful return."


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Über diesen Podcast

In diesem Podcast spreche ich mit unterschiedlichsten Personen zum Thema Frauen und Führung. Ich möchte wissen, was erfahrene Führungsfrauen auf ihrem Weg erlebt haben und welche persönlichen Tipps sie anderen Frauen mit auf den Weg geben. Daneben möchte ich verstehen, was es an strukturellen und kulturellen Veränderungen braucht, damit die Anzahl der Frauen in Führungspositionen steigt. Erhaltet durch meine GesprächspartnerInnen - Männern wie Frauen - spannende Einblicke in Erfahrungen und Meinungen zu dem Thema. Und nicht zuletzt: Lasst euch von diesem Podcast inspirieren und Mut machen, euch auf euren eigenen Führungsweg zu begeben! Let's step up!

von und mit Nora Ast


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